

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Silat Seni Gayong Grading Day

The time has come for some of the practitioner to be valuate for their capabilities according to their level. Silat Seni Gayong gelanggang KHTC has made today 27 March 2016 for the historical moment. The grading are for the children students that have prepared for the exam. There are about 20 participants to be grade on this occasion. The exam was done at Silat Seni Gayong gelanggang KHTC which was located at Shah Alam. The chief examiner on that day were Cikgu Zamri a holder of Bengkong Hitam Harimau Pelangi Chula Sakti 2.

The students will be valuate from their movement, their escape techniques, their capabilities of perfecting the Buah Kunci and Serangan Maut. Not to forget also the art of saving the body while jumping and rolling with obstacles. To all the children who are entering the exam , may they do the best of all and will be graded accordingly of their level and pass with flying colours..

Evaluate The Jumping Techniques
Briefing Giving A Confidence To The Children

Photo Session After The Grading

 Semoga Diberkati.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Intensive Instructors and Assistant Instructors Course

Year 2016 will be a great start for SSG gelanggang KHTC. The organisation has decided to host an instructors courses which will be starting on 23 Jan until 6 March. It will be conducted each weekend for those who are interested and been recommended by their presents instructor. The syllabus will covered from empty hand till handling a weapons. At the end of the course session a demo team will be setup among the selected participant and they will be train again to prepared them for international and local demonstration. Those selected will be responsible for any demo at the period of 2 years. This event will go on each year for making sure there will be a new breed of professional and qualified and quality instructors to hold on the tradition as per the recipe of the late founder.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thank You Karate Bushido

Thank you Karate Bushido as an organiser for inviting Silat Seni Gayong [gelanggang KHTC] to perform on a very prestige event on 17 Oct 2015. We have experiencing a good event on 15 Feb 2014 at Festival des Arts Martiaux ,Bercy France by the same organiser. For the confidence and trust build within and always working together professionally for the development of Martial Arts especially in France we humbly and be honore for inviting us on this coming event Festival des Arts Martiaux Nord Europe 2015.

See you there. Enjoy

Sunday, October 26, 2014

KHTC - Gelanggang Gayong GMI's Visit

On October 26,2014 Gelanggang KHTC was visited by Gayong members from Gelanggang GMI. The appointment was made earlier by email and phone informing their plan and interest of visiting theirs Gayong brothers and sisters at KHTC. On the date agreed 12 of them arrive at KHTC. They were received with warm and open hand.

KHTC and Gelanggang Gayong GMI

They arrived at 10h00 and was invited for breakfast with the brothers from KHTC. They were served with "Nasi Lemak" which are Malaysian traditional dishes and "kuih karipap"along with tea. In the afternoon lunch is also served and they perform the dzohor prayer together at KHTC training centre.

Explanation by Cikgu Zul
The event start with an introduction of Silat Seni Gayong and Gelanggang KHTC. The achievements KHTC had received and coming plan for the development of Gayong internationally and locally. The questions also circle on matters in adat-istadat and knowledge in Gayong.

Tele Conference With Cikgu Kumbang Hitam
The session was ended at 17h00 and before that they got a chance to speak in a video conference direct with Cikgu Kumbang Hitam from Paris. They were very happy because they received an answer directly from him. Cikgu Kumbang Hitam advice them to seek the knowledge of Gayong with all their efforts and respect between each of Gayong brothers and sisters and the most important advice is not to be greedy, jealousy and treachery because it will harm themselves. They were also invited at any time they wish to come to KHTC to train together or just spend times there etc. Nevertheless they were praised with highly thank you for their visits.

KHTC with respects to Gelanggang Gayong GMI for their visit and do come again in the future and all the best in their training in Silat Seni Gayong. Until we meet again.

Semoga kita semua diberkati.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

KHTC - Silat Seni Gayong Mauritius

Here we go again. On October 21, 2014 we were visited by our Silat Seni Gayong Mauritius brothers, Teemul. This is not the first time he has been to Malaysia to pay a visit. He has gain his training in Malaysia for few times but this time he came for business. With his tight schedule flying to many countries he was unable to train in his trip.

Teemul at Gelanggang KHTC Headquarters

He was very happy to meet his KHTC Gayong brothers. Teemul involved in practicing Silat Seni Gayong since year 2000 at Mauritius by Cikgu Wan He is one of the few Gayong brothers at Mauritius been assigned by Cikgu Wan aka Kumbang Hitam to take care and continued Gayong legacy there. Since that day Gayong has been at that island for 14 years, still moving and alive.Kumbang Hitam has been there few times for making sure and taking care and sharing the knowledge of Gayong. We are like family and the relations are so strong and becomes stronger each single day.

Throwback Teemul in training at Gelanggang KHTC in Malaysia

Teemul said next year he will be back for further his training and he said his gratitude and highly thank you to Kumbang Hitam for all the years they are together. 

KHTC  say thank you very much our Gayong brother, Teemul, may you have all the success on what you are doing and come to visit us again in the coming year. Never the less send our beloved salam to our Gayong family in Mauritus. Selamat jalan hingga ketemu lagi.

Semoga kita diberkati.